Jeruk Bali is one of the large citrus fruit that is different from other forms of oranges we usually see. In addition to the unique taste, and the skin thick, orange has a property for the health of the body. When we consume these oranges, we can avoid the various diseases because orange is also able to maintain healthy gums, damage to the stomach etc.
Grapefruit beneficial to health. Gynecology pektinnya more than other citrus types. Pectin is believed to be able to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Almost everyone knows grapefruit. Taste and distinctive shape. fresh fruit and meat which contains a lot of water, can be eaten after a peel or a mixture of salad.
The fruit is white or red can be candied after removed the outer skin that contain many oil glands. In Vietnam, the fragrant flower used to make perfume. Not only that, the wood is also often used for tool handles kitchen appliance.
Useful grapefruit lowers cholesterol and fight heart disease. The fact was revealed by researchers from Israel as it was released at various sites world health.
The study involved 57 people with high cholesterol levels and had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. A very high fat content causes the patient's body immune to the drugs commonly used to lower cholesterol.
Patients were then divided into three groups. The first group were given grapefruit dish with red fruit flesh for 30 days in a row. The second group was given white grapefruit. The last group was given no grapefruit at all.
As a result, patients are first and second groups are equally decreased blood fats, while patients in the last group did not experience any changes. It is known that red grapefruit is believed to more effectively reduce levels of fat, especially triglycerides.
Grapefruit lycopene is useful to improve stamina. According to researchers, meat and fresh fruit juice has the same benefits. The findings are reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
The experts from the Jagiellonian University, Poland, discover, extract grapefruit contains antibacterial and antioxidant that can, Äúmenenangkan, Äù abdominal lymph system to help the healing process. Dr. Thomas Brzozowski, head of research, suggested that the patients with peptic ulcers incorporate citrus into their diet though are naturally acidic.
During this patient is asked not to enter a stomach wound oranges into their diet, but this research would suggest otherwise. Extract is believed to reduce levels of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2 that exist in medicine.
This condition plays a major role in efforts heal the stomach. The researchers believe grapefruit extract can blend with the second enzyme in the stomach recovery.
The study involved 57 people with high cholesterol levels and had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. A very high fat content causes the patient's body immune to the drugs commonly used to lower cholesterol.
Patients were then divided into three groups. The first group were given grapefruit dish with red fruit flesh for 30 days in a row. The second group was given white grapefruit. The last group was given no grapefruit at all.
As a result, patients are first and second groups are equally decreased blood fats, while patients in the last group did not experience any changes. It is known that red grapefruit is believed to more effectively reduce levels of fat, especially triglycerides.
Grapefruit lycopene is useful to improve stamina. According to researchers, meat and fresh fruit juice has the same benefits. The findings are reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
The experts from the Jagiellonian University, Poland, discover, extract grapefruit contains antibacterial and antioxidant that can, Äúmenenangkan, Äù abdominal lymph system to help the healing process. Dr. Thomas Brzozowski, head of research, suggested that the patients with peptic ulcers incorporate citrus into their diet though are naturally acidic.
During this patient is asked not to enter a stomach wound oranges into their diet, but this research would suggest otherwise. Extract is believed to reduce levels of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2 that exist in medicine.
This condition plays a major role in efforts heal the stomach. The researchers believe grapefruit extract can blend with the second enzyme in the stomach recovery.
Not only beneficial to maintain a healthy heart and stomach, grapefruit is also good for the health of the gums because of its vitamin C levels high. This was disclosed Researchers at the Friedrich Schiller University, Germany, who discovered the link gum health in those who consume a lot of grapefruit.
The study involved 58 respondents who experienced severe gum damage. In fact, grapefruit bring positive impact when consumed every day for about two weeks. In fact, the positive impact it is also true for smokers and nonsmokers. As we all know smoking is a major cause of damage to the gums.
Another benefit of grapefruit, red blood cell that is clean of old in the body and normalize the hematocrit (percentage of blood cells per volume of blood). As well as a source of antioxidants antidote to cancer.
Most Favorite Juices
In addition to fresh consumption, grapefruit is often processed in the form of juice. When juicing, you can mix with the ingredients of grapefruit or other fruit, so it's become more enjoyable.
Here are examples of blended grapefruit is good for health:
Sources of vitamin C and cholesterol-lowering
Consumption of two, Äúsiung, Äù (strands in the fruit) grapefruit sized every day to get the maximum benefit.
Drinks antioxidant and anticancer
Take a grapefruit-sized fruit that have been peeled and removed its contents. Enter into a blender, add water as needed. Can also add one teaspoon honey and other fruits such as mangoes or pears.
Alternatively, take a grapefruit-sized fruit that have been peeled and removed its contents, and 1 cm ginger peeled. Enter all these ingredients into a blender with a little water added.
Chop the flesh grapefruit skins (outer skin removed) pie-shaped, simmer for 60 minutes. Discard the water boiled, drained, then weigh it. Prepare sugar equal weight with the weight of orange peel that has been boiled.
Place the orange peel boiled in a pan, season the water until completely submerged, add sugar. Simmer over low heat while stirring occasionally until a thick syrup. Remove, let the orange peel remains submerged in the syrup overnight.
The next day, another cook over low heat until the sugar syrup is low. Remove the orange peel from the syrup, spread out over nyiru, half-dry in the sun until dry. Cut into small pieces long, enter into a closed container. For durability (1 month), store in refrigerator.
Besides eaten as snacks, sweets skin, grapefruit can be mixed into the cake batter, especially to replace sukade or candied orange peel grated. Candied orange peel mixed with dried candied fruits will enrich the taste of fruitcake.
Mixed fruit salad
Prepare 200 grams of papaya, 200 g apples, 200 grams of pineapple, 200 grams of melon (all diced), and medium-size grapefruit that have been peeled, removed its contents, and cut according to taste. Add strawberries and kiwi fruit for garnish.
Prepare the dressing ingredients well, mix avocado that has been finely blended with mayonnaise. Add four tablespoons of honey, shake until blended , give enough water and mix well. Raw fresh fruit arranged in a bowl or plate, then doused with dressing.
Ingredients Orange Bali
The content of lycopene in grapefruit is high enough, which is 350 micrograms per 100 grams of fruit flesh. If synergy with beta-carotene (provitamin A) are widely available in grapefruit, lycopene can act as antioxidants.
Grapefruit contains pectin far more than other citrus fruits after juiced. A serving of grapefruit juice contains more than 3.9 per cent pectin. Every 15 grams of pectin can lower cholesterol levels 10 percent. Means that grapefruit can lower heart disease risk.
Active substances of blood cleanser
Grapefruit contain the active substance which is believed to cleanse the red blood cells that were old in the body and normalize the hematocrit, the percentage of blood cells per volume of blood. Normal hematocrit levels in women is 37-47 percent, while men 40-54 percent. The low hematocrit will cause anemia, but if very high levels can lead to heart disease because the blood become thickened.
Pomelo (gravefruit) is a source of potassium, vitamin A (440 IU), bioflavonoids, and lycopene (350 ug/100g). The results, grapefruit include anti-cancer as well as healthy prostate.
Vitamin C
Like other citrus, grapefruit is a source of vitamin C (350 micrograms per 100 grams of meat juice). Vitamin C is very good as a source of antioxidants.
Smokers are encouraged to consume grapefruit in half, every day. To increase levels of vitamin C in the blood capable of repairing damaged , even cancer, due to the unstable free radical molecules because of smoking and air pollution.
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